Social Networking Giant Facebook stumbled with yet another update. It left many users confused as well as outraged. During a instant chat session on Facebook, If you send a message to a fellow user, and if your message is seen by the person on the other side, It displays ‘Seen’ with a check mark and followed by the time, when the message was seen. Picture displaying the New ‘Seen’ Notification on Facebook Chat Many users expressed their discontent as it intrudes the privacy of a user. Kiss goodbye to Ignoring annoying messages from your annoying friends. How to Disable Seen Notification on Facebook Chat Currently, there is no efficient way of disabling this feature. One way is to avoid opening the chat box . You can also try reading message’s short description on the message’s page without clicking on it. A friend of mine suggested a way to hide that you’ve the message on Facebook chat by not clicking on the m...
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