If you don’t already know what an internet browser is, it is what you use to browse the internet, it is the program you are using right now to read this post. For a long time the vast majority of people simply used what came with windows, Microsoft Internet Explorer. There have been various versions released over the years, with upgrades, new features, and better performance but it hasn’t slowed down the interest of web users in alternatives like Mozilla Firefox and Google’s Chrome browser. For the most part, at their core the programs serve exactly the same purpose but there are several reasons why people choose to use other options.
Programs like Mozilla Firefox have loads of cool plug-ins. A plug-in is a little add on that gets installed to make your web browser a little nicer. Some of the are just cosmetic, ways to make your web browser look different, to give you a custom look. Other add on programs make life easier things like toolbars and other plug ins make doing some of the things you do all the time a lot easier. Firefox for example is well known for having some of the best plug-in and add on packages ever.
Programs like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome have always been revered for their speed. Even though most of the world has high speed internet now it is still as important as ever to load the pages as quickly as possible. Originally when we made the switch it was for that very reason. When Mozilla Firefox first came out we couldn’t believe how much quicker it would load pages and that is just the ticket in a get it now world.
In addition to adding speed alternative browsers are known for their increased security. This can be sort of misleading as in a lot of cases it isn’t that they are made so secure it is just that many of the issues that are exposed are with Microsoft products. There is a lot bigger axe to grind with people that make viruses with a company like say Microsoft than a small open source company. That is really at the root of it, without going into great detail when people make viruses it is often to expose a company like Microsoft’s product more than to hurt people.
There are a lot of other reasons to try out one of the other available options when it comes to using a web browser and honestly the best advice we can give is to just try a few out. We wouldn’t suggest downloading loads of them but of the three most popular Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Opera you should be safe trying any of the three. You can also check out some of the available plug ins and add ons if you feel like doing a little investigating before hand.
You Can Download Some Of The Other Options Below:
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Google Chrome
Browser Name
2. Firefox (also called Mozilla Firefox) |
3. Chrome |
4. Safari |
5. Opera |
6. Netscape Navigator |
7. Camino |
8. SeaMonkey |
9. K-Meleon |
10. Galeon |
11. Konqueror |
12. Maxthon Browser |
Flock (web browser) |
Lunascape |
Amaya |
iCab |
Midori |
uzbl |
KidZui |
RockMelt |
Voyager |
Dillo Web Browser |
Slim Browser |
KidRocket |
Epic |
Iron Browser |
GNU IceCat |
Comodo Dragon |
OmniWeb |
Crazy Browser |
Arora |
ShenzBrowser |
Swiftweasel |
Enigma Browse |
Kazehakase |
Shiira |
Avant Browser |
Orca |
xB Browser |
Sleipnir |
space time |
Browse3D |
Bitty Browser |
Rekonq |
Lobo Java Web Browser |
Elinks Text WWW Browser |
Epiphany |
Grail |
Fluid |
Ibrowse |
Lynx |
The World Browser |
Classilla |
TT |
Pink browser |
NetSurf |
Nuke Browser |
Acoo Browser |
Timberwolf |
Pale Moon |
WebPositive |
Dooble |
MenuBox |
Chromium |
Ultrabrowser |
ZAC Browser |
Kylo |
Swiftfox |
morequick |
TenFourFox |
Wyzo media browser |
xxxterm |
QupZilla |
CometBird |
QtWeb |
Deepnet Explorer |
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