According to some rumors, circulating around the internet, You can get your hands on iPhone 6 in over a 6 months. iOS App Developers claimed to have identified ‘ iPhone 6′ platform in their App usage logs. (Not an actual image of the iPhone 6, Used for Illustrative Purposes only) iPhone 6 Rumors Reportedly, an avid iOS developer claimed to have evidenced usage by Apple Developers, using platform labeled as iPhone 6 and iOS 7. It could mean that, iPhone 6 maybe in beta testing stage and maybe set for release during the summer. However, it is a just a rumor, and no solid proof to backup these claims. iPhone 6 Features According to a rumor, these are some leaked features of iPhone 6 Improvised Siri . Fix for various accent recognition. Wireless Charging through magnetic plates. Mobile NFC Payments enhanced functionality. Hold your horses if you are expecting something Hi-fi, you won’t see projector screen, holograms or flexible metal anytime soon in the distant ...
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